Warming up and down is important to any sport. Most golfers just wing it. They twist around with their club at their waist Khalil Mack Youth Jersey , take a couple of putts and they are ready to go. By the fourth or fifth hole, the back starts to ache from improper warm up. In every sport proper warm up is key to obtain peak performance. Muscles need to be stretched and blood circulation increased before physical exertion. The body then works in greater harmony. Massage chairs now make warming up and down fun and easy before your next round.
Golf is an interesting sport. It is viewed by many a low impact, since golfers ride carts or only walk. As opposed to sports like soccer where you need to run. However, golf requires repetitive motions. The repetitive motion of the golf swing can impact the entire body. The swing requires a large degree of motion to accomplish properly. The repetitive swinging motion can cause back, shoulder and neck pain. This is especially possible with little to no warm up.
The golf swing when done without an adequate warm up can actually cause damage to the muscles and tendons. Warming up helps to increase the elasticity of the muscle tissue. This helps increase your range of motion. The golf swing has a very long range of motion. Loosening up the muscles and tendons with a massage chair can be effective to increase blood flow and get your body started.
If you back muscles are not flexible Kevin White Womens Jersey , then your swing may suffer accordingly. Think of the motion of teeing off. The arc that the golf club needs to make is a long range of motion. You have to position your feet, shoulders and head correctly to get a good, consistent swing. Everything is related. If your have back discomfort or tightness, then your swing will be off as well.
Prior to your next golf outing, try a simple warm up routine. Your warm up should include basic stretching. Stretch out the legs Adam Shaheen Womens Jersey , arms and your torso. You want to get your muscles flexible in the movements you will make when golfing. You can go for a short walk to get your blood flowing and pick up your heart rate. This helps to get nutrients flowing to your muscles. Make sure you warm up starting 30 minutes before you play. You do not want to start too early to warm up.
Shiatsu massage therapy is a great way to get an invigorating warm up. Shiatsu effectively warms up the muscles, increases blood flow and increase alertness. Some of the top manufacturers of massage chairs like Panasonic, Omega and Sanyo have shiatsu massage therapy. A very effective model of massage